Ekpahak, 8 May 2024
We, the participants of the global Indigenous Evaluation Gatherings, convened at the Wolastoq River at Ekpahak, in Wolastokuk (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada), after the close of the Canadian Evaluation Society annual conference, declare our commitment to uphold and advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples to Indigenous Evaluation. This declaration, made in honour of the Wolastoq River, aims to lay a foundation for future practices and policies that honour and respect Indigenous ways of knowing and evaluating.
Honouring Wolastoq, the Wolastoqiyik, and all Wabanaki Peoples
We acknowledge and honour the Wolastoq River as a sacred relative, a source of life, and a central figure in the culture and traditions of the Wolastoqiyik People. The Wolastoqiyik, also known as the People of the Beautiful and Bountiful River, have lived in harmony with this land from time immemorial, nurturing and protecting her waters and ecosystems. Our gathering here reinforces our respect and commitment to the land and its original stewards, recognizing their enduring presence and sovereignty. EvalIndigenous developed this Declaration in collaboration with Wolastoqiyik and Wabanaki knowledge carriers.
Being on this Land, with the River
The land by the Wolastoq River has provided us with the wisdom and serenity to engage in meaningful dialogue. We value the importance of place in Indigenous Evaluation, understanding that the land itself is a participant in our processes. Our presence here was a testament to the vital role that all our relations play in Indigenous methodologies and epistemologies.
Honour – Protect – Mobilise
- Honour Indigenous Rights: We affirm the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples to govern and direct their own evaluation processes. These rights are rooted in self-determination and sovereignty and must be respected by all evaluation frameworks and practices.
- Protect Knowledge Sovereignty: Indigenous Evaluation must ensure the security and protection of Indigenous knowledge and data. This includes safeguarding the cultural integrity and intellectual property of Indigenous Peoples throughout the evaluation process.
- Mobilise Traditional Paradigms: We commit to a continuous journey of learning and unlearning. This involves embracing Indigenous perspectives, methodologies, and protocols in evaluation practices, and challenging colonial paradigms that do not align with Indigenous values.
This declaration is a living document, intended to evolve with ongoing dialogue and collaboration among Indigenous Peoples and allies. We invite all who read this declaration to join us in advocating for the rights and recognition of Indigenous Evaluation. Together, let us build a future where Indigenous ways of knowing and evaluating are honoured and integrated into all aspects of society.